School IT Solutions
Edunet implemented the Learning Cloud Project in 2011. Learning Cloud made all course contents available on the tablets of students and teachers through the Cloud Computing Architecture.

In summary, Edunet serves as a new generation publisher by bringing the safe connection and infrastructure solutions together within the content.


School Technical Infrastructure
The first step to configure  the Learning Cloud in an effective way is to build the technical infrastructure to reach the system managed by Cloud Computing Architecture.

Since the database is stored safely outside the school, modem configurations and technical infrastructure are main steps of the                                              process.


Student Tablets
Hardware is an indispensable tool to use the content effectively in Learning Cloud. The best hardware and management systems, that contents can be reached through, are evaluated by system engineers.

Besides, these standards are updated regularly, in the light of the feedbacks given by pilot schools.

Various tablet options are offered in Learning Cloud, regarding factors such as intended usage, guarantee duration and company reliability.